
Green Bay official wants saggy pants banned

Green Bay official wants saggy pants banned
A green bay city officials want to clean up the city city center, Polo Beach Pants by taking steps to prevent people give up their trousers waist line.

City councilman David boies in downtown merchants hope everything dress policy, so that they can refuse to customer "sag" their pants. Boyce posted signs, AFF PANTS said, "no shoes, no shirt, no service."

Audio: city councilman David boies (12) :

Although he has not said whether he intends to call for a city ordinance or ED BEACH PANTS fines as the goal, boyce noted that other cities also have similar initiatives to address a fashion trends he considered to be offensive.

Problem is that in a downturn trousers city council agenda for this evening. Boyce said, however, to discuss more about access to downtown business dress in the same page.

